Posted on September 14, 2011


The WALL STREET JOURNAL carried an op-ed on September 14, 2011 by Dan Senor entitled “Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote”.  It is all about Obama’s disastrous relationship with, and attitude toward, Israel over the current presidential term.  He concludes:  “(Mr. Obama) has built the most consistently one-sided diplomatic record against Israel of any American president in generations.”

This writer sent the following to the Editor at the Journal regarding Dan Senor’s piece:-

Is “Israel” finally trumping “abortion” as a turnaround raison d’etre vis-a-vis the traditional Jewish Democrat vote and ‘08 Obama obsession?  (“Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote”, op-ed, Dan Senor, 09-14-2011.)

As Norman Podoretz made clear in his 2009 “Why Jews Are Liberals?”, the unequivocal answer appears near the end of his book:  “In particular (McCain’s) long-standing pro-life position was bound to make him unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of Jewish women, who seemed to think that the absolute right to an abortion had been inscribed on the tablets Moses brought down from Sinai:  And when he chose Sarah Palin, an equally adamant foe of abortion, to be his running mate, he guaranteed that hardly a Jewish woman in America would vote for him.”

That probably explains why, earlier, Jewish U.S. senators and congressmen in Washington voted against the overwhelmingly passed Late-Term D&X Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 by the astonishing margin of 92% (34 to 3).

Republican President George W. Bush was one one staunchest friends of Israel that American Jews ever had.  McCain would have been the same.  President Obama has been anything but.

However, if op-ed author Dan Senor thinks Jewish women will vote for a pro-life Republican, or their menfolk will do the same (courage!), because of this administration’s diffident treatment of Israel, he may be expecting a minor miracle. 

Let’s pray for a miracle!  The vote in New York regarding replacement for Mr. Weiner’s seat is a promising omen.

Posted in: POLITICS