Posted on November 3, 2010


In Connecticut, unlike much of the rest of the country (California and a couple of other states excepted), nothing changed.

All five pro-abortion Democrat incumbents to the U.S. House of Representatives retained their seats.

In the U.S. Senate race for Dodd’s seat, Democrat and pro-abortion Attorney General Blumenthal won handily despite having an abysmal record of military service, avoiding active duty or of going to Viet Nam with the rest of the U.S. Marines in the 1970-1975 time period, then lying about it for 35 years after the fact.

Connecticut is probably the bluest of the blue states and certainly, on a per capita basis, one of the top pro-abortion states in the nation.  It will stay that way.  In the State House, the seat count in favor of Democrats is over 83 to c. 35.  In the State Senate, the seat count in favor of Democrats is like 20 to 12.  What has made Connecticut one of the three highest states in the nation on taxes, the second or third worst on cost of doing business in the state, and third worst in business-friendliness, will continue – or get worse.

We will analyze the breakdown of voting in the days ahead, particularly that of Catholics in the state.  It doesn’t seem – as of now – the fact that all Connecticut candidates (or incumbents) who were elected (or re-elected) have been extremely pro-abortion, even advocates of late term abortion such as D&X and D&E, made any difference to the majority of Catholics’ votes in Connecticut.

This blog cccf will continue to research and publish the facts on D&E Late-Term Dismemberment Abortion of Viable Infants during the next two years.  And we will work to convince some new GOP Senator and Congressman to sponsor a Bill banning D&E Dismemberment Abortion of Viable Infants at or after 22 weeks gestation lmp (except when the life of the woman is in serious danger).

To earlier readers, God Bless;  & Nutmeggers, don’t lose heart.   And to fellow former U.S. Marines, Semper Fi. !


Posted in: POLITICS